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HITECH > Don't go anywhere without it!
No modifications or gunsmithing necessary or required.
FREE SKS Mag Adapter included with purchase!
Lifetime Warranty
HITECH SKS Mags make the DifferenceWe hope this will end the confusion about SKS high capacity mags
and why indeed our mags are far superior than any other design.One reason our SKS mags are the ultimate mag is that each mag is fitted and feed tested,
(live fire tested), on the exact type of SKS rifle you order it for !(All we need to know is what country the rifle was made in and what type of rifle stock you are going to use.)
(You submit this info to us at Check out)
Our mag manufacturing process is not complex and there is no "black art" involved.
Our understanding of the SKS rifle is based on decades of experience
we have acquired on a day to day basis at our company manufacturing SKS mags.Here are the facts:
1. We have developed a number of design and manufacturing techniques that are
far superior than the plastic and/or spot welded mags that are out there!
( plastic breaks, spot welds crack )2. All of our mags are extraordinarily well tested and all our designs
and processes have been patented, or are patent pending.3. Each and every mag that leaves our company is fully tested on the exact type
of SKS rifle it is going to be used on with no exceptions to this rule.4. We don't use plastic. And use only the highest quality steel which is made in the U.S..
Our mags are 100% all steel including the spring and follower.5. Our company has put a stop to FIT and FEED problems and each
and every SKS mag we produce comes with a Warranty for life!6. All our mags are manufactured at our factory in Michigan by people
who live in Michigan, all of whom are U.S. Citizens!What other company can make any of the above statements ?
HITECH SKS Magazine:
Video instructions come with each order placed.
So simple anyone can do it with no gunsmithing in minutes!
Click here for Youtube Video
HITECH 37 Rd mag installed on rifle without riflestock
Please note that the rifle in the above configuration is fully operational
but also note we do not recommend it being fired without your riflestock
installed!HITECH 37 rd Mag installed with adapter
Once you install your riflestock, (That takes about 10 seconds) your SKS
rifle is ready for any type of hi cap mag action! Functioning flawless like
it should and holding the bolt open on the last round fired!HITECH Adapter In the SKS Rifle ready to accept our mag !
Removal of the adapter is accomplished by using the allen wrench
we provide with the adapter and simply takes seconds to install.Click here for more images and description
Click here for Youtube Video
Click here to order :)
Many Other Sizes Available Including HITECH Flat Side...