D.C. Engineering  -  Home of  rifletech.net
FREE  Items  ---
Just our way of saying Thanks for being a HITECH Customer!  

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              With a purchase of
$35.00 or more you will receive  
FREE with every order the following:

          1.  HITECH  SKS Manual - fully covering disassembly and assembly (20.95 value)
(Electronically sent)) 
2.   HITECH SKS Technical Diagram Set (5 different drafted views with theory of operation)
Copywritten (
One of a kind!) measuring 11x17 inches with cutaway views of rifle with all parts
and operational components listed in exact drafted format with exact technical description.
(Produced by our technical staff as a shinning example of their brilliant capabilities!)
(38.95 value)  (Electronically sent)

3.   Talk to a Professional Gun Smith or Company Engineer at our factory about your
      SKS rifle concerning it's function or a "How to explanation" from the same folks
       at our factory concerning anything about the SKS rifle or any of our products!
With a purchase of 250.00 or more you will receive FREE with your order the following:

          1. Everything listed above plus the following:

          2.  HITECH
SKS SHOCK WAVE MUZZLE BRAKE - The Ultimate in muzzle brake technology! 
            Designed and Manufactured by us to eliminate muzzle climb and increase accuracy dramatically!
           (Item# 393)  (The 65 mm Muzzle Brake unit is our recommended brake for maximum performance!)


With a purchase of $375.00 or more you will receive FREE with your order the following:
1. Your choice of HITECH or DUCK Mags with many to choose from (excluding 60 rd mag) (See previous page)  (37 round mag will be sent if you do not specific on the Special Instruction Line at Check Out ) (Up to a $155.00 value)

(Certain states and or cities do not allow high capacity mags - in which case we will send you our HITECH Vented Vented Hand Guard with Tube (Item# 42) as an option
- if uncerten please call or text us ) (up to a 150.00 value)

   With a purchase of $650.00 or more you will receive FREE with your order the following:            
Everything listed above plus the following:
               2.  A one year membership to the National Rifle Association
or a $35.00 donation
                    in your
name to the NRA.  As a option you can sign up a friend or relative!


This free item offer is for items purchased on this cart or for any other item that is exactly the same purchased from our other carts on this website. The company reserves the right to change, modify, or cancel this free item offer at any time, Thank you!  

                                     We have never canceled our
FREE items offer yet!

Special discounts offered to FFL Dealers - Active and Retired US Military - LEO's,
and all other First Responders > Call or Contact for Details

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